

3701 Howard St.
Skokie, IL 60076 Get Directions


(847) 933-4560


naeyc-smTLC's receives national accreditation
TLC receives Illinois Gold Circle of Quality

Tot Learning Center offers a full-day childcare program for infants through five-year-old children. Children can be enrolled two to five days per week, open 50 weeks per year.

The center also offers special programs such as enrichment classes, family events and parent meetings. The facility has a secured childcare wing; spacious classrooms; an indoor playroom; a huge multi-purpose room for family events; a private parent-teacher conference room; fenced in playgrounds, and a cooperative program with The Talking Farm, located on park district property, adjacent to TLC.

The program is licensed by the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services and nationally accredited by the prestigious National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC).

To tour the facility, call (847) 674-1500, ext. 3400.

View weekly tuition rates here.


Monday–Friday: 7 a.m.–6 p.m.

info-icon2 Fouzia Khan at fmkhan@skokieparks.org


  • Additional Enrichment Programs
  • Catered Meals
  • Main Entrance Access Control
  • Native Areas / Rain Gardens
  • Parent Communication App
  • Private Playgrounds
  • Six Classrooms
  • Talking Farm Programs
  • The Talking Farm

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National Academy for Early Childhood Accreditation (NAEYC)

Tot Learning Center is one of only 363 out of nearly 3,000 Illinois programs accredited by NAEYC and one of only 6,765 accredited internationally. 

Since 1985, NAEYC's international accreditation system has set professional standards for early childhood education programs, allowing families to find high-quality programs for their children.


Located next to Tot Learning Center, The Talking Farm cultivates healthy, sustainable communities by supporting the production and appreciation of locally grown food.

Visit The Talking Farm website for details.
