The Skokie Heritage Museum provides a wide variety of history, arts, and cultural programming and bookable experiences for all ages. This facility consists of a historic firehouse, an early pioneer log cabin, and a community garden. The Museum is also home to the Skokie Historical Society and a 22,000 item collection documenting Skokie history.
Historic Firehouse, 1887
Visit the Village’s first public building, which served as Skokie’s first firehouse, jail, recreation center, and Village Hall. The first floor houses a fire history exhibit. The second floor features the temporary exhibit “Skokie from the Sky,” which explores Skokie history through historical maps and aerial photographs.
Meyer Family Log Cabin, c. 1847
Experience 19th century pioneer life in this log cabin built by settlers Nicholas and Elizabeth Meyer near today's intersection of Gross Point Rd. and Lincoln Ave. The cabin was relocated here and renovated in 1982. The cabin is opened by request, weather and staffing permitting. Appointments welcomed.
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Room Rentals!
Click here for Museum room rental information
Open Thursdays, Fridays and Sundays: 12–4 p.m.
Also by appointment. Free general admission.
Emily England, Museum Manager
Stephanie Guthrie, Museum Coordinator
Administrative Offices
Community Garden
Historical Exhibits
Meeting & Party Room Rentals
Pioneer Log Cabin
Volunteer Opportunities