Celebrate Groundhog Day with LEGO® Materials

February 02, 2025 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Skokie Heritage Museum
8031 Floral Ave.
Skokie, IL 60077

(847) 929-8001

This Groundhog Day we will again ask the question: will that most famous of groundhogs, Punxsutawney Phil, see his shadow and doom us to six more weeks of winter, or is an early spring just around the corner? With thousands of LEGO® pieces and the guidance of an experienced Play-Well instructor, you'll be able to build your own groundhog and find out for yourself!

Ages 5-9. Fee: $40 (resident) / $50 (non-resident).
Register online here by Jan. 30. Call Skokie Heritage Museum at (847) 929-8001 or email eengland@skokieparks.org with questions.