Lynn Seebacher, who has served as the director of human resources at the Skokie Park District since October 2001, remembers a time when now-ancient technology made the job a bit more time consuming.
“Email and the internet were still in their infancy," she said. "The fax machine was our means of electronic communication."
“I have always tried to make staff feel comfortable coming to me,” Seebacher said, “whether it be for work issues, problems at home that effect their job, or simply to point them in the right direction for help with health care insurance, or retirement planning. I also have tried to be kind and offer a human touch when working with staff.”
Needless to say, Seebacher has also been the district’s point person for hiring a tremendous variety of job types –– from recreation and park professionals, to business services staff, to teachers, to camp staff and lifeguards. Of the full-time staff currently working at the district, Seebacher has played a role in hiring the vast majority of them. She also has served under four executive directors.
Now, after more than two decades, Seebacher will leave the district in fine stead, with a staff that has more education, experience and professional certifications than any time in its past.
“Lynn will be greatly missed,” said Executive Director Michelle Tuft. “She has been a key player in making the district an award-winning organization –– and in making the district a public agency with staff who are respected throughout Skokie and the state.”