More than 90 languages are spoken in the homes of Skokie residents and the Skokie Park District strives to serve every person in Skokie.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Statement

The Skokie Park District staff and its representatives are committed to honoring and welcoming all people, regardless of age, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, national origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status.

An Award-Winning Park District

The district won the the Illinois Park & Recreation Association’s first-ever ‘Champions for Change’ Award in January 2021, recognizing the agency with unique and exemplary practices of increasing access, and fostering diversity, equity and inclusion within their community and organization. District staff continues to pursue exemplary practices every day.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Initiatives


Land Acknowledgement Statement
In 2023, district staff worked with the local Mitchell Museum to help develop a “Land Acknowledgment Statement” honoring Indigenous peoples whose presence on this land came long before Skokie’s current residents, and who continue to impact park district land to this day.

Indigenous Park Names
Also working with the Mitchell Museum, park district staff have developed a plan to seek the the input of Tribal Nations regarding the park district’s 11 existing Native American park names. Staff look forward to working in collaboration with these communities in order to represent them as they prefer to be represented. Thus far, at the request of three Tribal Nations, Seneca Park has been renamed Onöndowa'ga Park, Menominee Park has been renamed Mamaceqtaw Park, and Sequoya Park has been renamed Sequoyah Park. In addition, enhanced park name translations may now be found on the parks list on the Skokie Park District website.

SEED Training (Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity)
One staff member has completed the trainer course. Seven staff members have completed training. Two current park district board members have completed the training.

Implicit Bias Training Completed
50 full-time staff members and 5 board members

Social Equity Policy

Click here to view.

Programs & Events

See upcoming DEI events here.

Skokie Festival of Cultures

Formed in 1990 in partnership with many other Skokie government agencies and service clubs, the Festival of Cultures honors more than 60 participating Skokie cultures and more than 25,000 attendees, every third weekend in May. Visit the website here.

Skokie Pride

Skokie Juneteenth

Other recent programs

  • Indigneous Peoples' Celebration
  • EID Celebration
  • Amazing Asia
  • Indigneous Peoples' Celebration
  • Dancing for our Tribes Exhibition
  • Arts for All
  • Grandparents' Day & Ice Cream
  • Everyone at The Exploritorium
  • Culinary Voyage: Rosh Hashanah Celebration Foods
  • Culinary Voyage: Best in Hispanic Meals
  • Day off of School: Indegenous Peoples' Day
  • Culinary Voyage: Polish Heritage Dishes
  • Dia de los Muertos
  • Indigneous Peoples' Celebration
  • Culinary Voyage: Native American Foods
  • 8 Nights, 8 Lights
  • Culinary Voyage: Kwanzaa Harvest
  • Taste of Lunar New Ywar
  • Everyone at The Exploritorium
  • Irish I May, Irish I Might

Staff Diversity Committee

Formed in 2016 and again in 2024, this park district staff team has implemented some of the following initiatives:

  • Meets with the district's programming trends task force to create new classes for a more diverse Skokie population.
  • Created a facility "Welcome" sign for the Weber Leisure Center, featuring 72 languages.
  • Developed a Community Needs Survey released in 2024 and 2025.